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Tag: New homes el paso

What An EnergyStar Certification Means For Your Home

In 2019, builders have the responsibility to construct efficient and sustainable homes. With our planet currently experiencing the backlash of irresponsible consumption, there is an urgent need to reduce usage whenever possible. That’s why Santana Homes are EnergyStar certified; we believe a home doesn’t have to consume more than necessary. We often get questions about […]

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3 Factors to Consider Before Your First Home Purchase

A lot of prospective home buyers get tunnel vision when they are shopping for new homes for sale. There are so many factors to consider and it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of purchasing your next home. This can be especially true when you’re a first time home buyer looking at […]

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What Should You Look For When Considering New Homes For Sale?

Deciding to buy a new home is a huge life milestone and you want to make sure that you make the right decisions. Because it is such a huge investment, you will most likely be worried about if you are making the right choices or not. If you are getting stressed out with all of […]

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