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We Wish These Television Homes Were For Sale!

Luxury Homes In El Paso

We Wish These Television Homes Were For Sale!

a television in the background and a bowl of popcorn in the foregroundThere’s nothing like curling up on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and unlimited episodes of our favorite Netflix shows. We love getting caught up in the lives of the characters – following them throughout their dramatic days, experiencing the emotional weight of their successes and failures, and getting to live vicariously through their glamorous lives. We also love seeing the gorgeous homes they get to live in – and wishing these homes were for sale, too! Here are a few television show homes we wish were on the market. After reading this list, your search for homes for sale may be more streamlined!

The Arrested Development Dwelling

The Bluths Newport Beach home is fascinating to us for several reasons. Not only is its design incredibly creative, but it is also a real-life residence located in a normal residential neighborhood. You may be surprised to learn this, given that its onscreen persona is much different. Onscreen, this home is shown to be in the middle of miles and miles of unoccupied land. Offscreen, however, you can find this residence tucked away in a suburb at 23155 Dolorosa Street in Woodland Hills.  The pilot episode made use of the home’s interior, but all subsequent interiors were shot on a soundstage at a studio. Unfortunately, this home is not for sale at the moment.

The Gilmore Girls Abode

Who doesn’t love a good episode—or maybe five or six— of Gilmore Girls? Lorelai and Rory’s witty banter and exciting lives always have us coming back for more. But their Star’s Hollow home is every bit as charming as this mother-daughter duo. It is warm, cozy, and perfectly East Coast. Its wrap around porch has us swooning. How much would this home cost if it were on a “homes for sale” list? According to experts at Money Magazine, it would be ringing in at around $2.8 million dollars! If that’s true, we can admire it from afar.

The Stranger Things Light House

So it isn’t really a lighthouse, but we sure do love the way those Christmas lights look strung up all over the home! Sure, it might be a little creepy to live in a home that is a portal to a parallel universe, but once you get past that you can really see the charm in this place. Gorgeous vintage wallpaper, classic furniture, and a bridge to an alternate dimension. What more could you want? With the cult following Stranger Things has, this home would be on and off the market in no time at all.

Homes for Sale in El Paso

We may not be able to live in the homes featured on our favorite television shows, but we can (and should!) watch those television shows from the living rooms of homes that we love. If you are in the market looking for homes for sale, consider working with Santana Homes. We are experienced craftsmen and builders, and we have several homes for sale. Contact us today for more information!